
Get rid of that bloat.

Debloating done right.

Working with almost any Android Device.

Bundled ADB. Apps for macOS, Windows and Linux. Ready to go.

AndroidDebloater is a simple tool written in C#, that enables you to debloat your Android Device with a GUI using ADB.

Download now.

Get started with AndroidDebloater today.


Easy to use.

AndroidDebloater is straight forward. Connect your device, select packages and debloat.


Compatible with (almost) any device.

AndroidDebloater works for nearly any Android Phone or Tablet. It’s able to remove nearly every piece of bloat.


Ready for everyone.

AndroidDebloater runs on Windows, macOS and Linux, so no need to switch OS.


Free. Forever.

AndroidDebloater is free. Forever.

License: MIT

Open Source

Code is freely and openly accesible on GitHub and is covered by the MIT License.

Get started today.

Download AndroidDebloater right now and start debloating.